Source code for headerparser.parser

from __future__ import annotations
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
from typing import Any, Optional
from deprecated import deprecated
from . import errors, scanner
from .normdict import NormalizedDict
from .scanner import Scanner, scan_stanzas
from .types import lower, unfold

[docs] class HeaderParser: """ A parser for RFC 822-style header sections. Define the fields the parser should recognize with the `add_field()` method, configure handling of unrecognized fields with `add_additional()`, and then parse input with `parse()` or another `!parse_*()` method. :param callable normalizer: By default, the parser will consider two field names to be equal iff their lowercased forms are equal. This can be overridden by setting ``normalizer`` to a custom callable that takes a field name and returns a "normalized" name for use in equality testing. The normalizer will also be used when looking up keys in the `NormalizedDict` instances returned by the parser's `!parse_*()` methods. :param bool body: whether the parser should allow or forbid a body after the header section; `True` means a body is required, `False` means a body is prohibited, and `None` (the default) means a body is optional :param kwargs: Passed to the `Scanner` constructor """ def __init__( self, normalizer: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, body: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: #: The ``normalizer`` argument passed to the constructor, or `lower` if #: no normalizer was supplied self._normalizer = normalizer if normalizer is not None else lower #: The ``body`` argument passed to the constructor self._body = body #: Scanner options self._scan_opts = kwargs #: A mapping from normalized field names to `NamedField` instances self._fielddefs: dict[Any, NamedField] = {} #: The set of all normalized ``dest`` values for all named fields #: defined so far self._dests: set = set() #: If additional fields are enabled, this is the `FieldDef` instance #: used to process them; otherwise, it is `None`. self._additional: Optional[FieldDef] = None #: Whether any fields with custom ``dest`` values have been defined, #: thereby precluding `add_additional()` self._custom_dests: bool = False def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, HeaderParser): return vars(self) == vars(other) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def add_field(self, name: str, *altnames: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Define a header field for the parser to parse. During parsing, if a field is encountered whose name (*modulo* normalization) equals either ``name`` or one of the ``altnames``, the field's value will be processed according to the options in ``**kwargs``. (If no options are specified, the value will just be stored in the result dictionary.) .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 ``action`` argument added :param string name: the primary name for the field, used in error messages and as the default value of ``dest`` :param strings altnames: field name synonyms :param dest: The key in the result dictionary in which the field's value(s) will be stored; defaults to ``name``. When additional headers are enabled (see `add_additional`), ``dest`` must equal (after normalization) one of the field's names. :param bool required: If `True` (default `False`), the ``parse_*`` methods will raise a `~headerparser.errors.MissingFieldError` if the field is not present in the input :param default: The value to associate with the field if it is not present in the input. If no default value is specified, the field will be omitted from the result dictionary if it is not present in the input. ``default`` cannot be set when the field is required. ``type``, ``unfold``, and ``action`` will not be applied to the default value, and the default value need not belong to ``choices``. :param bool multiple: If `True`, the header field will be allowed to occur more than once in the input, and all of the field's values will be stored in a list. If `False` (the default), a `~headerparser.errors.DuplicateFieldError` will be raised if the field occurs more than once in the input. :param bool unfold: If `True` (default `False`), the field value will be "unfolded" (i.e., line breaks will be removed and whitespace around line breaks will be converted to a single space) before applying ``type`` :param callable type: a callable to apply to the field value before storing it in the result dictionary :param iterable choices: A sequence of values which the field is allowed to have. If ``choices`` is defined, all occurrences of the field in the input must have one of the given values (after applying ``type``) or else an `~headerparser.errors.InvalidChoiceError` is raised. :param callable action: A callable to invoke whenever the field is encountered in the input. The callable will be passed the current dictionary of header fields, the field's ``name``, and the field's value (after processing with ``type`` and ``unfold`` and checking against ``choices``). The callable replaces the default behavior of storing the field's values in the result dictionary, and so the callable must explicitly store the values if desired. When ``action`` is defined for a field, ``dest`` cannot be. :return: `None` :raises ValueError: - if another field with the same name or ``dest`` was already defined - if ``dest`` is not one of the field's names and `add_additional` is enabled - if ``default`` is defined and ``required`` is true - if ``choices`` is an empty sequence - if both ``dest`` and ``action`` are defined :raises TypeError: if ``name`` or one of the ``altnames`` is not a string """ if "action" in kwargs and "dest" in kwargs: raise ValueError("`action` and `dest` are mutually exclusive") kwargs.setdefault("dest", name) if "type" in kwargs: kwargs["type_"] = kwargs.pop("type") hd = NamedField(name=name, **kwargs) normed: set = set(map(self._normalizer, (name,) + altnames)) # Error before modifying anything: redefs = [n for n in self._fielddefs if n in normed] if redefs: raise ValueError(f"field defined more than once: {redefs[0]!r}") if self._normalizer(hd.dest) in self._dests: raise ValueError(f"destination defined more than once: {hd.dest!r}") if self._normalizer(hd.dest) not in normed: if self._additional is not None: raise ValueError("add_additional and `dest` are mutually exclusive") self._custom_dests = True for n in normed: self._fielddefs[n] = hd self._dests.add(self._normalizer(hd.dest))
[docs] def add_additional(self, enable: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Specify how the parser should handle fields in the input that were not previously registered with `add_field`. By default, unknown fields will cause the ``parse_*`` methods to raise an `~headerparser.errors.UnknownFieldError`, but calling this method with ``enable=True`` (the default) will change the parser's behavior so that all unregistered fields are processed according to the options in ``**kwargs``. (If no options are specified, the additional values will just be stored in the result dictionary.) If this method is called more than once, only the settings from the last call will be used. Note that additional field values are always stored in the result dictionary using their field name as the key, and two fields are considered the same (for the purposes of ``multiple``) iff their names are the same after normalization. Customization of the dictionary key and field name can only be done through `add_field`. .. versionchanged:: 0.2.0 ``action`` argument added :param bool enable: whether the parser should accept input fields that were not registered with `add_field`; setting this to `False` disables additional fields and restores the parser's default behavior :param bool multiple: If `True`, each additional header field will be allowed to occur more than once in the input, and each field's values will be stored in a list. If `False` (the default), a `~headerparser.errors.DuplicateFieldError` will be raised if an additional field occurs more than once in the input. :param bool unfold: If `True` (default `False`), additional field values will be "unfolded" (i.e., line breaks will be removed and whitespace around line breaks will be converted to a single space) before applying ``type`` :param callable type: a callable to apply to additional field values before storing them in the result dictionary :param iterable choices: A sequence of values which additional fields are allowed to have. If ``choices`` is defined, all additional field values in the input must have one of the given values (after applying ``type``) or else an `~headerparser.errors.InvalidChoiceError` is raised. :param callable action: A callable to invoke whenever the field is encountered in the input. The callable will be passed the current dictionary of header fields, the field's name, and the field's value (after processing with ``type`` and ``unfold`` and checking against ``choices``). The callable replaces the default behavior of storing the field's values in the result dictionary, and so the callable must explicitly store the values if desired. :return: `None` :raises ValueError: - if ``enable`` is true and a previous call to `add_field` used a custom ``dest`` - if ``choices`` is an empty sequence """ if enable: if self._custom_dests: raise ValueError("add_additional and `dest` are mutually exclusive") if "type" in kwargs: kwargs["type_"] = kwargs.pop("type") self._additional = FieldDef(**kwargs) else: self._additional = None
[docs] def parse_stream( self, fields: Iterable[tuple[Optional[str], str]] ) -> NormalizedDict: """ Process a sequence of ``(name, value)`` pairs as returned by `scan()` and return a dictionary of header fields (possibly with body attached). This is a low-level method that you will usually not need to call. :param fields: a sequence of ``(name, value)`` pairs representing the input fields :type fields: iterable of pairs of strings :rtype: NormalizedDict :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ValueError: if the input contains more than one body pair """ data: NormalizedDict = NormalizedDict(normalizer=self._normalizer) fields_seen: set[str] = set() body_seen = False for k, v in fields: if k is None: if body_seen: raise ValueError("Body appears twice in input") if self._body is not None and not self._body: raise errors.BodyNotAllowedError() data.body = v body_seen = True else: hd: FieldDef try: hd = self._fielddefs[self._normalizer(k)] except KeyError: if self._additional is not None: hd = self._additional else: raise errors.UnknownFieldError(k) else: fields_seen.add( hd.process(data, k, v) for hd in self._fielddefs.values(): if not in fields_seen: if hd.required: raise errors.MissingFieldError( elif hasattr(hd, "default"): data[hd.dest] = hd.default if self._body and not body_seen: raise errors.MissingBodyError() return data
[docs] def parse(self, data: str | Iterable[str]) -> NormalizedDict: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse an RFC 822-style header field section (possibly followed by a message body) from the contents of the given string, filehandle, or sequence of lines and return a dictionary of the header fields (possibly with body attached). If ``data`` is an iterable of `str`, newlines will be appended to lines in multiline header fields where not already present but will not be inserted where missing inside the body. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 ``data`` can now be a string. :param iterable: a string, text-file-like object, or iterable of lines to parse :rtype: NormalizedDict :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if the header section is malformed """ return self.parse_stream(scanner.scan(data, **self._scan_opts))
[docs] @deprecated(version="0.5.0", reason="use parse() instead") def parse_string(self, s: str) -> NormalizedDict: """ Parse an RFC 822-style header field section (possibly followed by a message body) from the given string and return a dictionary of the header fields (possibly with body attached) .. deprecated:: 0.5.0 Use `parse()` instead. :param string s: the text to parse :rtype: NormalizedDict :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if the header section is malformed """ return self.parse_stream(scanner.scan(s, **self._scan_opts)) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def parse_stanzas(self, data: str | Iterable[str]) -> Iterator[NormalizedDict]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse zero or more stanzas of RFC 822-style header fields from the given string, filehandle, or sequence of lines and return a generator of dictionaries of header fields. All of the input is treated as header sections, not message bodies; as a result, calling this method when ``body`` is true will produce a `MissingBodyError`. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 ``data`` can now be a string. :param data: a string, text-file-like object, or iterable of lines to parse :rtype: generator of `NormalizedDict` :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if a header section is malformed """ return self.parse_stanzas_stream(scan_stanzas(data, **self._scan_opts))
[docs] @deprecated(version="0.5.0", reason="use parse_stanzas() instead") def parse_stanzas_string(self, s: str) -> Iterator[NormalizedDict]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse zero or more stanzas of RFC 822-style header fields from the given string and return a generator of dictionaries of header fields. All of the input is treated as header sections, not message bodies; as a result, calling this method when ``body`` is true will produce a `MissingBodyError`. .. deprecated:: 0.5.0 Use `parse_stanzas()` instead. :param string s: the text to parse :rtype: generator of `NormalizedDict` :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if a header section is malformed """ return self.parse_stanzas_stream( # pragma: no cover scan_stanzas(s, **self._scan_opts) )
[docs] def parse_stanzas_stream( self, fields: Iterable[Iterable[tuple[str, str]]] ) -> Iterator[NormalizedDict]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse an iterable of iterables of ``(name, value)`` pairs as returned by `scan_stanzas()` and return a generator of dictionaries of header fields. This is a low-level method that you will usually not need to call. :param fields: an iterable of iterables of pairs of strings :rtype: generator of `NormalizedDict` :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if a header section is malformed """ for stanza in fields: yield self.parse_stream(stanza)
[docs] @deprecated(version="0.5.0") def parse_next_stanza(self, iterator: Iterator[str]) -> NormalizedDict: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse a RFC 822-style header field section from the contents of the given filehandle or iterator of lines and return a dictionary of the header fields. Input processing stops at the end of the header section, leaving the rest of the iterator unconsumed. As a message body is not consumed, calling this method when ``body`` is true will produce a `MissingBodyError`. .. deprecated:: 0.5.0 Instead combine `Scanner.scan_next_stanza()` with `parse_stream()` :param iterator: a text-file-like object or iterator of lines to parse :rtype: NormalizedDict :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if a header section is malformed """ sc = Scanner(iterator, **self._scan_opts) return self.parse_stream(sc.scan_next_stanza())
[docs] @deprecated(version="0.5.0") def parse_next_stanza_string(self, s: str) -> tuple[NormalizedDict, str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Parse a RFC 822-style header field section from the given string and return a pair of a dictionary of the header fields and the rest of the string. As a message body is not consumed, calling this method when ``body`` is true will produce a `MissingBodyError`. .. deprecated:: 0.5.0 Instead combine `Scanner.scan_next_stanza()` with `parse_stream()` :param string s: the text to parse :rtype: pair of `NormalizedDict` and a string :raises ParserError: if the input fields do not conform to the field definitions declared with `add_field` and `add_additional` :raises ScannerError: if a header section is malformed """ sc = Scanner(s, **self._scan_opts) fields = list(sc.scan_next_stanza()) try: extra = sc.get_unscanned() except errors.ScannerEOFError: extra = "" return (self.parse_stream(fields), extra)
class FieldDef: def __init__( self, type_: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]] = None, multiple: bool = False, unfold: bool = False, choices: Optional[Iterable] = None, action: Optional[Callable[[NormalizedDict, str, Any], Any]] = None, ): self.type_ = type_ self.multiple = multiple self.unfold = unfold if choices is not None: choices = list(choices) if not choices: raise ValueError("empty list supplied for choices") self.choices: Optional[list] = choices self.action = action def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, FieldDef): return vars(self) == vars(other) else: # pragma: no cover return NotImplemented def _process(self, data: NormalizedDict, name: str, dest: Any, value: str) -> None: if self.unfold: value = unfold(value) if self.type_ is not None: try: value = self.type_(value) except errors.FieldTypeError: raise except Exception as e: raise errors.FieldTypeError(name, value, e) if self.choices is not None and value not in self.choices: raise errors.InvalidChoiceError(name, value) if self.action is not None: self.action(data, name, value) elif self.multiple: data.setdefault(dest, []).append(value) elif dest in data: raise errors.DuplicateFieldError(name) else: data[dest] = value def process(self, data: NormalizedDict, name: str, value: str) -> None: self._process(data, name, name, value) class NamedField(FieldDef): def __init__( self, name: str, dest: Any, required: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("field names must be strings") = name self.dest = dest self.required = required if "default" in kwargs: if self.required: raise ValueError("required and default are mutually exclusive") self.default = kwargs.pop("default") super(NamedField, self).__init__(**kwargs) def process(self, data: NormalizedDict, _: str, value: str) -> None: self._process(data,, self.dest, value)